
Showing posts from April, 2017


Hey, long time! Trying to adjust to the new year ups and downs but thank God for the opportunity to jot down a few things! Of late, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to my life and what comes to my spirit is the urge and the need to ask God to prepare me to work powerfully in the area of my calling. The Holy Spirit being so loving and kind would prompt me to sing out almost every day, Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true and with thanksgiving I will be a living sanctuary for you. I was led to read Romans 12: 1 offering my body as a living sacrifice then 1st Corinthians 6:19 my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit meaning I am a vessel and there is something I house. Great! I vowed to understand the fact that I am a vessel, what do I have in me? Because a vessel is a container, I am a vessel made by God for Him and by Him..So God is the potter and I am like clay being made into an earthen vessel. A potter is a maker of earth ware vessels and therefore ha...