Happy new year!

A norm is always there that when new year comes, we set aims and goals to achieve. Mine has begun well, and as much as I need to achieve very many things, one thing I aim to do this year is to do the will of God. The beginning of this year, I purposed to dwell in the presence of God, to be found in Him and full of clear revelation of His Word and apart from this all to fulfill the purpose of God in my life.

It gets to my nerves when I cannot attend some meetings or missions because I have things to work on and refusing to do them can be foolish! but I have come to a realization of something, times and seasons are the Lord's. I love how the Word puts it in Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and time to every purpose under heaven. Great! So I stopped complaining to God about the feeling of missing out, the feeling that I was not living my purpose and I changed my prayer to Lord, in this season, I purpose to do your will. I sat down to now reflect on how God calls us and the steps He takes us through. 

When you were born, every one of us was born with a divine purpose and we have to finish it lest we leave the world without doing what we were called to do. But what many do not get is that, the Lord has to prepare you and make you able to do His will for you. It is at such a time that you should not hurry to start that church, or that ministry, or begin prophesying,rather, God will need you to equip yourself with His help and be strengthened for the task ahead and this can only be so at the place of prayer. At times, I find myself impatient with Gods schedule, and He comes out clearly that I need to wait on Him cause I cannot move without Him. He makes no mistakes and He brings you to a season of spiritual maturity so that once you finish the season you walk in the power of the Spirit and not in the strength of your flesh and therefore you have to allow the Lord to prepare you for the task He has called you to do for His glory.

First and foremost, God is more concerned with His relationship with you more than the work you are going to do for Him. This is actually the greatest calling ever! He calls you so that you can have an intimate personal relationship with Him. He expects you to communicate to Him as He communicates to you: Prayer, there are certain rules He needs you to obey and promises He needs you to know so that you walk by faith: Spending time in the Word. He will begin to reveal Himself to you day by day as you dwell in His presence because before you could not get to Him the Bible says we were alienated from God Colossians 1:21. Oswald Chambers says'' When you obey the call of God, the first thing that strikes you is the irrelevancy of the things you have to do. Very true! 

He will then begin preparing you for the task ahead. As you get to know the Lord, one thing you will realize as you sojourn on is that you will loose your aims and begin to be trained into the purpose of God. At this stage, He will separate you from the world around you and wants you to Himself. To Joseph, he was taken into slavery in Egypt, He will use his own special way to prepare you.He actually is like interrupting your life for you who He has called. It is moving you from being involved in your life and placed in a place you are totally dependent on God. God uses major difficult moments and this eventually makes us realize how much we need God and are helpless without Him. You are brought in the valley of dependence and yours can be different from another. For some they isolate themselves and intensely go deeper in God and others they achieve this through running away from God. The depth and the width of your call will depend on the experiences you got! You let go the wheel and allow the Lord to steer you. This is the dreaded desert place but God has to frame our lives through the experiences He gives us. How good is it to know it is always for your good!

The Lord now begins a test on you and has to break you and make you again. He begins to deal with family issues, relationships, sexual and secret sins . Theologians will tell you Abraham had suicidal faith, he offered to obey God through killing his precious son. He wants to know if you are willing to let go things in your life and lay naked before Him. He will ask you like the rich man in the Bible to sell all you have and give to the poor what you worked hard for, what you so much treasure and choose to follow Him fully. I love what Bob Mumford says Beware of the Christian leader who does not walk with a limp. There are things you got to loose, very hard to but there is no other way. You will be a real threat to the enemy and hence constant attacks but victory is assured in all things, He will not test you beyond your ability, you will make it through.

God begins to confirm to you what He has called you to do. You will begin to experience the power of God in your calling and begin receiving great reports. Acts 19:11 God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, it says that even his handkerchiefs and aprons healed. Hallelujah! Your message and preaching will be in season and timely at all times. This is a time of identity which sparks a transformation of who you are, you are no longer being prepared but are fully prepared and ready. The Lord brings you into the destiny He has for you, because He is faithful, He who called you. You will be fruitful in the area of your calling and get an elevation not for your glory but for the Lords. You will begin manifesting as a son who the world was awaiting.

Do not be in a rush, allow the Lord to walk you through the journey, allow Him prepare you, faint not, follow the steps and surrender fully to the Lord. You will not regret it because after all this, He will establish you, you will be fruitful and what you begin will not die out. The tests will not be over but they will be there to build you up. You have a great calling or your life, identify it via God and begin living your purpose. When God called Isaiah, he heard the Lord say who will go for us and He responded. Respond to the call of God over your life and devote yourself to God and His work. You are called for a great purpose! Do not give up when you see as if you have no purpose for life, keep seeking God, stay in His secret place, your time to be used powerfully is coming, just give yourself to God. 

What the Lord needs from you is FAITHFULNESS even in the tiny things He asks you to do and to the call. Give your best and focus on Him. Be a God pleaser. The devil will go after a God ordained purpose and the more definite your purpose gets but yearn more for God and be keen to follow the voice of God and His direction.  You shall fulfill your purpose and finish well in Jesus name!

Walk into your destiny in Christ Jesus!

End quote: The need itself is not the call....Charles.E. Hummel.


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