
Showing posts from 2018


Been quite a while since I wrote but hope this does not just bless you but shift your heart that at the end of this read, you will find it in your heart to devotedly lay down your life to God, presenting your body daily to Him as a living and holy sacrifice in Jesus name. Amen! I realized lately that I have been desperately asking for Gods will for me and I have been pretty impatient with God cause it has taken me hours of tired praying, waiting on God only for Him to tell me to wait and that season of waiting is not as pretty as we make it look like. Frustrating as it had been, as I got even more impatient, I realized that as long as God spoke, my work was to believe. I totally hate puzzles and life felt like quite a bit of a difficult puzzle. The disjointed splotches of crooked experiences did not make sense to me and I cannot bring myself to fix anything since I know I will end up in confusion and frustration and even in the midst of all this things, God daily reminded me that I ...


For the last few days, God by His mercy has been calling me to the place of intimacy with Him. I have found myself just seated in the office most of the times, no music but enjoying His presence, in a matatu but overwhelmed by Him, not because I am so good, or I pray so is by His mercy. During this period, I have come to realize that as much as I long for Him as the deer pants for the water,  (Psalm 42:1 As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for you o God) God is also desiring me even the more. His desire is us and He daily longs for us to be found in Him. And every moment you are drawn to the Lord, you get to experience the great love of Jesus. There is this day my pastor gave us a benediction at the end of the service and his words were, 'I pray that this week you will live in the presence of God by the presence of God.' Whoa! This sunk in my spirit and there I prayed that it shall be so in my life. You see, as long as you have ...


There are a few things the Lord has been speaking to me about and today I write to you concerning one thing that has taken the place of God in our churches, in ministries and it is my prayer that the Lord will align every one of you to His perfect will concerning your life. We look at pride today. In Ezekiel 28:12-19 we get a perfect picture of who Lucifer really was and how he ended up been thrown of out of heaven and there is one thing that is key to him, he had harbored pride in him till he wanted to be equal with the Lord. We most probably have heard about him, he was the lead worship minister in heaven and he was so good at it, actually the best, but he allowed his life to be full of pride. Now, if you read that scripture, you notice that Lucifer was clothed with precious, beautiful stones. But as much as he was covered with beautiful valuables, he would only be beautiful and his beauty would only be seen when he got near God. He was not beautiful in himself, he was a reflector...