For the last few days, God by His mercy has been calling me to the place of intimacy with Him. I have found myself just seated in the office most of the times, no music but enjoying His presence, in a matatu but overwhelmed by Him, not because I am so good, or I pray so much...no...it is by His mercy. During this period, I have come to realize that as much as I long for Him as the deer pants for the water, (Psalm 42:1 As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for you o God) God is also desiring me even the more. His desire is us and He daily longs for us to be found in Him. And every moment you are drawn to the Lord, you get to experience the great love of Jesus. There is this day my pastor gave us a benediction at the end of the service and his words were, 'I pray that this week you will live in the presence of God by the presence of God.' Whoa! This sunk in my spirit and there I prayed that it shall be so in my life. You see, as long as you have ...