My Christian life has always been one of a kind. I am one person who loves people who speak deep things of God and I seriously listen to them so much ensure that I keep my feet on the move to ensure that I do not miss any of their articles, preaching and posts. I had that intense desire to learn the things of God but I so much depended on what others got from God for a long time. I used to read the Word and pray and get to hear from God but I was like stuck to the norm of just hearing this portion from God and hearing the rest from what He had spoken to other people. It got tiring at some point especially when schedules got tighter that I could not keep up with the heavy sermons and at this point is where Jesus told me that He can speak to me too, I just had to have a lifestyle...This lifestyle was a life of hunger. This meant that I had to hunger and thirst each and every day of my entire life!
That hit me, I was hungering for more of God and His righteousness but the moment I got filled that was it for me I did not want more, I did not yearn for deeper. I depended on what others heard from God yet I had all the chances to have an experience with Him not once but every day of my life. I was missing out on God this whole time, so I lifted my voice and cried out to God, I have known you for 10 years since I got born again, but Lord, I realize I can never get familiar with you, every day you want to speak to me and have a deeper relationship with You. Now I realize that You want me to and for yourself and your glory now Father, fill me with a deep longing to yearn for you and thine righteousness. Call me to deeper waters, and gladly I will come after thee. I was then led to read Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. What a blessedness, that my hunger for God will always be filled and now that it is my lifestyle, I will always be banqueting with My Father because He will fully satisfy my hunger. Hallelujah! Luke 6:20-21 a, Blessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now for you shall be filled.
You cannot be led by the Holy Spirit if you are not spiritually hungry. And you cannot fake this hunger because you cannot fool God. This kind of hunger never dies, it is always there and actually keeps growing. I remember one song which has this line that the more i know You the more I want to know You Jesus more of you!! and another says I know I am filled to be emptied again. I wish we could all know what we sing because we say this words and they mean nothing because we do not live what we so speak. This hunger and thirst is after the righteousness of God and the assurance is that you will be filled.
This hunger is developed from devouring the scripture and prayer. You cannot hunger after righteousness if your bread or meal does not encompass the Word of God and Prayer effected by the Holy Spirit. This two substances have to be engraved in you, drilled in you and injected to your systems until all that you are and all that pertains your life is yielded from the Word and Prayer, till they are part of your entire life. See, if you do not hunger after the things of God,even when God comes all by Himself and the things of God appear you will never perceive or recognize them. Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God. You hunger and thirst after what you so much desire and it is in you, you are pure but you yearn for more of it. Sanctification till glorification.
People hungry after Gods righteousness will always wait for the next wave to enjoy more of God and His presence because they are worthy dwelling there and not only is that so, what is more exciting is that in every wave God fills the hunger and thirst with more of Himself, who? The Lord strong and mighty, great in battle( Psalm 24). Believers need to hunger, they should starve all the time Psalm 42:1 should be one of their daily prayers that as the hart panteth for the water, so Lord I pant after you. To a point that they reach the fullness of this glory they are in, but are already reaching out for the nest glory. A pursuit for righteousness that is endless.
Remember for you to move yet to the next glory you need to be filled. God fills and satisfies.John 6:33&35 For the bread of life is He who comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world. Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. Gods Word is thrilling and so clear. One you will never go hungry because you will always be filled but this filling will yield to a greater hunger which is after God and so the process. Yaani filling is for my good, it takes me to another glory, unless I am filled I cannot behold what is in the other glory. This hunger makes you feed on righteousness, eat it until all your appetite desireth is more of it. You cannot wait to hunger again immediately you are filled. Do not get filled and stay in the same glory and enjoy the same food, when God fills you He leaves room for you to hunger for more! (Read 2 Corinthians 3:18 but to touch on it a little to go from glory to another is to continually be changed into what you were created to be. To increase in the character and nature of God). The goodness of God is a manifestation of His glory. So in every glory you have to notice the goodness of God in thy life, He has to instill His very nature in you.
Psalm 42:7 Deep calls for deep. If there is a deep calling there has to be a depth to answer the call and respond. If one is hungry, there has to be what you want to satisfy your hunger with. Spiritual hunger knows Spiritual food. Once you are hungry you feed on the food(The Word) and sustain the hunger via prayer. Hunger is a gift why? because we hunger after righteousness and the Word says in Romans 5:17 that righteousness is a gift. A gift is something of importance to us especially since it is from God. So hunger for God will never be troublesome, it will always be a blessing and yields blessings, hunger also begets hunger.
As I sum up, Matthew 6: 33 is the best scripture to use. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you. Our focus as believers on this earth, is to seek His Kingdom and righteousness...a believer must hunger then, what is the promise? All the other things- which heathens look for..all not some, shall be added unto you. The life of a hungry believer then is a life that will yield 100 fold in a desert, it is a satisfied life and abundant one in the Lord, a life that enjoys fully and wholly that which is of the Lord. There has to be a difference between the life of a hungry believer and the rest! One will ask why do we need to hunger for righteousness and we already have it once we are born again, that is true but the more we grow and mature up in this life and yield to the Holy Spirit the more we are searched through and through to realize what is still sin in us and we become so much fully aware of it and this makes us to hunger more and more for God till He comes and we be like Him.
This is my hearts desire! Amen.
That hit me, I was hungering for more of God and His righteousness but the moment I got filled that was it for me I did not want more, I did not yearn for deeper. I depended on what others heard from God yet I had all the chances to have an experience with Him not once but every day of my life. I was missing out on God this whole time, so I lifted my voice and cried out to God, I have known you for 10 years since I got born again, but Lord, I realize I can never get familiar with you, every day you want to speak to me and have a deeper relationship with You. Now I realize that You want me to and for yourself and your glory now Father, fill me with a deep longing to yearn for you and thine righteousness. Call me to deeper waters, and gladly I will come after thee. I was then led to read Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. What a blessedness, that my hunger for God will always be filled and now that it is my lifestyle, I will always be banqueting with My Father because He will fully satisfy my hunger. Hallelujah! Luke 6:20-21 a, Blessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now for you shall be filled.
You cannot be led by the Holy Spirit if you are not spiritually hungry. And you cannot fake this hunger because you cannot fool God. This kind of hunger never dies, it is always there and actually keeps growing. I remember one song which has this line that the more i know You the more I want to know You Jesus more of you!! and another says I know I am filled to be emptied again. I wish we could all know what we sing because we say this words and they mean nothing because we do not live what we so speak. This hunger and thirst is after the righteousness of God and the assurance is that you will be filled.
This hunger is developed from devouring the scripture and prayer. You cannot hunger after righteousness if your bread or meal does not encompass the Word of God and Prayer effected by the Holy Spirit. This two substances have to be engraved in you, drilled in you and injected to your systems until all that you are and all that pertains your life is yielded from the Word and Prayer, till they are part of your entire life. See, if you do not hunger after the things of God,even when God comes all by Himself and the things of God appear you will never perceive or recognize them. Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God. You hunger and thirst after what you so much desire and it is in you, you are pure but you yearn for more of it. Sanctification till glorification.
People hungry after Gods righteousness will always wait for the next wave to enjoy more of God and His presence because they are worthy dwelling there and not only is that so, what is more exciting is that in every wave God fills the hunger and thirst with more of Himself, who? The Lord strong and mighty, great in battle( Psalm 24). Believers need to hunger, they should starve all the time Psalm 42:1 should be one of their daily prayers that as the hart panteth for the water, so Lord I pant after you. To a point that they reach the fullness of this glory they are in, but are already reaching out for the nest glory. A pursuit for righteousness that is endless.
Remember for you to move yet to the next glory you need to be filled. God fills and satisfies.John 6:33&35 For the bread of life is He who comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world. Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. Gods Word is thrilling and so clear. One you will never go hungry because you will always be filled but this filling will yield to a greater hunger which is after God and so the process. Yaani filling is for my good, it takes me to another glory, unless I am filled I cannot behold what is in the other glory. This hunger makes you feed on righteousness, eat it until all your appetite desireth is more of it. You cannot wait to hunger again immediately you are filled. Do not get filled and stay in the same glory and enjoy the same food, when God fills you He leaves room for you to hunger for more! (Read 2 Corinthians 3:18 but to touch on it a little to go from glory to another is to continually be changed into what you were created to be. To increase in the character and nature of God). The goodness of God is a manifestation of His glory. So in every glory you have to notice the goodness of God in thy life, He has to instill His very nature in you.
Psalm 42:7 Deep calls for deep. If there is a deep calling there has to be a depth to answer the call and respond. If one is hungry, there has to be what you want to satisfy your hunger with. Spiritual hunger knows Spiritual food. Once you are hungry you feed on the food(The Word) and sustain the hunger via prayer. Hunger is a gift why? because we hunger after righteousness and the Word says in Romans 5:17 that righteousness is a gift. A gift is something of importance to us especially since it is from God. So hunger for God will never be troublesome, it will always be a blessing and yields blessings, hunger also begets hunger.
As I sum up, Matthew 6: 33 is the best scripture to use. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you. Our focus as believers on this earth, is to seek His Kingdom and righteousness...a believer must hunger then, what is the promise? All the other things- which heathens look for..all not some, shall be added unto you. The life of a hungry believer then is a life that will yield 100 fold in a desert, it is a satisfied life and abundant one in the Lord, a life that enjoys fully and wholly that which is of the Lord. There has to be a difference between the life of a hungry believer and the rest! One will ask why do we need to hunger for righteousness and we already have it once we are born again, that is true but the more we grow and mature up in this life and yield to the Holy Spirit the more we are searched through and through to realize what is still sin in us and we become so much fully aware of it and this makes us to hunger more and more for God till He comes and we be like Him.
Hunger for righteousness every day is the life of one who is of God, God will then meet the hungry with abundance and a filling that yields a deeper hunger. This hunger must be undeniable to acquire more of God, a hunger that makes Him release Heavens fullness to overflow in ones life. A hunger that begets hunger- receives fullness and receives Jesus! There must be evidence of one with an unveiled face moving from glory to another awaiting to be fully glorified in the Lord Jesus.Even so Lord Jesus, give me You and more of You
This is my hearts desire! Amen.
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