Do you hear what I hear? Bags packed, sound of rustling wrapping paper,carols being belted out in cars and at homes, loads of laughter and happiness, closure of work, bonus on the salary. I love Christmas but is this all Christmas is about?? To some we focus primarily on the gifts, the lights, the trees, and food but then if it is our point of focus then we inappropriately view this season.
Jesus and His birth is the real reason for the season and we hence celebrate Christmas because it is not just a reminder of who came but why He came. It is not only that new born baby in a manger that speaks of Christmas but more of the man who died on the cross to die for our sins. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He SENT His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus was sent, He left the comfort and glory of Heaven, took a human body so that we could have a relationship with God and obtain eternal life. What manner of love the Father lavished on us, that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners!
Actually, a thought on Christmas reminds me of the redemptive plan of God. Let us take a little journey together, Jesus would not have been born if Genesis 3 did not happen. Adam and Eve sinned against God and there were serious consequences but the Lord God wants to restore our relationship with us sinners and so He says I am going to send an heir, a descendant from the house of David who shall cleanse you from all sin, as we go along prophets like Isaiah prophesy about the suffering servant who suffered for us sinners and he says For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given...Isaiah 9:6. Generally, the birth of Jesus was just a beginning of the redemption plan. Gods gift to the world was not just a baby in the manger, it had to start there though, but the gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ! The infinite had to be clothed in human flesh so that when we receive Him abundance of life flows in us. The Bible says He did not come to condemn us, but He came so that we can have life and have it in abundance! Christmas should be a moment of reflecting on the love of God upon our lives, a time when us who have received Jesus telling others about this Jesus who they are celebrating and they know Him not, a time to be thankful to God because by Him sacrificing His only son we have obtained grace and life, this should hence be our focus.
Christmas embarks when Christ abandoned a sovereign position. The Bible says He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact representation of His nature. Philippians 2:6. The Lord had to leave His throne in glory and come down for the sake of us. See, Christmas did not just happen, a sacrifice had to be made and the greatest sacrifice in all humanity.
It goes down to Him, the little boy born in a manger, Jesus the Lord accepting a slaves position. For the occasion of His incarnation, the Lord Jesus came to be a slave, took off the robes of majesty and put on an apron of a slave, Isaiah refers to Him as the suffering servant. He had to be a slave for Him to offer His life and give it for us. See Luke 22:27 He says I came to do the will of the One who sent Him, His food was to do what the Father willed and not His. A slave has absolute total submission and in this case Jesus willingly submitted to the will of Father....He who was the King of Kings(though He still was), the One who angels bowed at His feet to worship, now took upon the place of a slave to save us from sin.
Not only is this so, but the Lord Jesus had to adopt a selfless posture. For this reason I was born, to go to the cross and die. Christ was obedient to the cross. He choose to love us while we were yet sinners, and choose to loose His life for us, that was the very reason why He was born. In Deuteronomy 1:23 It says that cursed is the man who hangs on a tree. He became a curse so that we be called blessed!He was born knowing that He would have to be poor so that we could be rich! The world can offer no substitute of Jesus.
He was associated with sinful people. This baby was born in an insignificant manger, an insignificant village and a humble cottage, clothed in swaddling clothes. The Bible says He came to seek and save the lost. He was the Son of God, fully God and fully man. Had to go through the stages a child would go through from birth like circumcision and Him who knew no sin became sin and dwelt among men for us to be the righteousness of God in Him.
Christmas is not just about celebration, it is a moment to reflect on Christ Jesus, the gift that was given to us by God. Whose life is such a wonder, whose birth was extraordinary for a special reason, His birth brought us redemption. It is a time we should ponder as we enjoy on the kind of great unfathomed love the Father had for us and Jesus for allowing Himself to come down from the everlasting to the world we live.If He was not born, we would still live in sin, and have no life in abundance. Unfortunately, we are so busy getting those new clothes, shoes, gifts, travelling and all the great things that come with Christmas and leave out the reason for the season, we loose focus for all the precious savior left in glory, we run endlessly trying to look for gifts and we cloud out our Jesus and with all this we end up loosing the true meaning of Christmas. If only we could give ourselves to the One who gave up His life for us and take a moment amidst the celebrations to worship Jesus and put Him supreme and first above all other things.
Is the One you so much celebrate living inside of you? Have you received Him in your life? Does the reason why He came become real in your life? Have you experienced the joy of having Him in you and having willingly, fully surrendered your life to Him who gave it all for you and gave up glory for you? This Christmas, may the love of God be more real in your life and the joy of salvation thou received via His birth be unto you!! Gods gift to you through Jesus is a new life filled with righteousness, peace, joy and intimacy with Him.Blessings!!
Let us all with gladsome voice, come and adore the King, who chose to be born so that we may be reconciled back to the Father.
Jesus and His birth is the real reason for the season and we hence celebrate Christmas because it is not just a reminder of who came but why He came. It is not only that new born baby in a manger that speaks of Christmas but more of the man who died on the cross to die for our sins. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He SENT His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus was sent, He left the comfort and glory of Heaven, took a human body so that we could have a relationship with God and obtain eternal life. What manner of love the Father lavished on us, that Christ died for us while we were yet sinners!
Actually, a thought on Christmas reminds me of the redemptive plan of God. Let us take a little journey together, Jesus would not have been born if Genesis 3 did not happen. Adam and Eve sinned against God and there were serious consequences but the Lord God wants to restore our relationship with us sinners and so He says I am going to send an heir, a descendant from the house of David who shall cleanse you from all sin, as we go along prophets like Isaiah prophesy about the suffering servant who suffered for us sinners and he says For unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given...Isaiah 9:6. Generally, the birth of Jesus was just a beginning of the redemption plan. Gods gift to the world was not just a baby in the manger, it had to start there though, but the gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ! The infinite had to be clothed in human flesh so that when we receive Him abundance of life flows in us. The Bible says He did not come to condemn us, but He came so that we can have life and have it in abundance! Christmas should be a moment of reflecting on the love of God upon our lives, a time when us who have received Jesus telling others about this Jesus who they are celebrating and they know Him not, a time to be thankful to God because by Him sacrificing His only son we have obtained grace and life, this should hence be our focus.
Christmas embarks when Christ abandoned a sovereign position. The Bible says He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact representation of His nature. Philippians 2:6. The Lord had to leave His throne in glory and come down for the sake of us. See, Christmas did not just happen, a sacrifice had to be made and the greatest sacrifice in all humanity.
It goes down to Him, the little boy born in a manger, Jesus the Lord accepting a slaves position. For the occasion of His incarnation, the Lord Jesus came to be a slave, took off the robes of majesty and put on an apron of a slave, Isaiah refers to Him as the suffering servant. He had to be a slave for Him to offer His life and give it for us. See Luke 22:27 He says I came to do the will of the One who sent Him, His food was to do what the Father willed and not His. A slave has absolute total submission and in this case Jesus willingly submitted to the will of Father....He who was the King of Kings(though He still was), the One who angels bowed at His feet to worship, now took upon the place of a slave to save us from sin.
Not only is this so, but the Lord Jesus had to adopt a selfless posture. For this reason I was born, to go to the cross and die. Christ was obedient to the cross. He choose to love us while we were yet sinners, and choose to loose His life for us, that was the very reason why He was born. In Deuteronomy 1:23 It says that cursed is the man who hangs on a tree. He became a curse so that we be called blessed!He was born knowing that He would have to be poor so that we could be rich! The world can offer no substitute of Jesus.
He was associated with sinful people. This baby was born in an insignificant manger, an insignificant village and a humble cottage, clothed in swaddling clothes. The Bible says He came to seek and save the lost. He was the Son of God, fully God and fully man. Had to go through the stages a child would go through from birth like circumcision and Him who knew no sin became sin and dwelt among men for us to be the righteousness of God in Him.
Christmas is not just about celebration, it is a moment to reflect on Christ Jesus, the gift that was given to us by God. Whose life is such a wonder, whose birth was extraordinary for a special reason, His birth brought us redemption. It is a time we should ponder as we enjoy on the kind of great unfathomed love the Father had for us and Jesus for allowing Himself to come down from the everlasting to the world we live.If He was not born, we would still live in sin, and have no life in abundance. Unfortunately, we are so busy getting those new clothes, shoes, gifts, travelling and all the great things that come with Christmas and leave out the reason for the season, we loose focus for all the precious savior left in glory, we run endlessly trying to look for gifts and we cloud out our Jesus and with all this we end up loosing the true meaning of Christmas. If only we could give ourselves to the One who gave up His life for us and take a moment amidst the celebrations to worship Jesus and put Him supreme and first above all other things.
Is the One you so much celebrate living inside of you? Have you received Him in your life? Does the reason why He came become real in your life? Have you experienced the joy of having Him in you and having willingly, fully surrendered your life to Him who gave it all for you and gave up glory for you? This Christmas, may the love of God be more real in your life and the joy of salvation thou received via His birth be unto you!! Gods gift to you through Jesus is a new life filled with righteousness, peace, joy and intimacy with Him.Blessings!!
Let us all with gladsome voice, come and adore the King, who chose to be born so that we may be reconciled back to the Father.
Let us all with with gladsome voice
Praise the God of Heaven,
Who, to bid our hearts rejoice,
His own Son hath given.
To this vale of tears He comes,
Here to serve in sadness,
That with Him in Heav’ns fair home
We may reign in gladness.
We are rich, for He was poor;
Is not this a wonder?
Therefore praise God evermore
Here on earth and yonder.
O Lord Christ, our Savior dear,
Be Thou ever near us.
Grant us now a glad new year.
Amen, Jesus, hear us!
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