The world has really become a mess, and the church is operating on very critical grounds as we speak. The mystery of iniquity is being used largely, it rules the earth and very few are ready for the second coming of Christ. Our grandfathers, ancestors kept saying that Jesus is coming soon, 21 centuries behind, we say that too Jesus is coming soon but the level of ignorance is so much exalted, minds have been set to believe that there is still time to be ready, yet, the time is NOW, people now search for fame, riches, the things heathens look for, few seek to know the heart of God. Christians no longer feel like holding fast to the faith they profess and seeking after the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness, purpose is lost, purity gone and it is a sad fact that the church is at the verge of compromising, to making the things of the world look '' Godly'', tainting the image of the Lord Jesus, few will stand and be ready to please and do the will of God and stand up for Jesus. Jesus is coming SOON very SOON and the enemy wants people to shrug that off, with the notion that time is available. Just as the word says no one knows the day or hour that Jesus will come back for His people( Matthew 24:36) and this alone lays down the importance of being ready to rise up and meet with the Lord in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:17). But what kind of a bride will the Lord come for? Many are called but few are chosen( Matthew 22:14) which sure means, that,there is something that differentiates the ones who are called and chosen why? it is one thing to be saved, and yet another thing to remain saved.

First, the bride has to be found in Christ, saved and abiding in Him always and forever. The bride has got to be pure.This means that she has to be saved, having received salvation by grace through faith(Ephesians 2:8)and staying saved. There has to be a knowing that she will not receive salvation on the basis of her works, she does not deserve it, grace made her be able to access salvation in Jesus and therefore there is no other way to maintain this salvation other than residing in the One gave it to you. The word says in John 15:4-5 Remain in me, and I also in you...why? because you will not bear any fruit unless you abide in Him. The fact that the bride is in Christ, what is most certain is that she will seek after the heart of God, and she will run after righteousness with all that she is. Paul says that the church or the bride is unleavened meaning without sin, sin is not imputed to the faithful. Jesus will come for a pure bride! Isaiah 64:6 says or righteousness is like filthy rags...implying that there is one another perfect righteousness which we can attain in Christ. Be ye holy just as I am holy, God is reaching out to the bride and He says that you can be holy just like I am, but you have to be IN Christ Jesus because He only can clothe his bride with garments of righteousness. In Revelation 3 tells us of the church of Laodecia which Jesus calls naked and asks her to buy from Him white garments so that they may clothe themselves..and the shame of nakedness will not be revealed. When sin first entered the world, the first realization of Adam and Eve was their nakedness and they were filled with shame, Christ became sin and curse for His bride, that He loved and loves so much...and all He is asking is come to me, trade your sin for a white linen, you are the righteousness of God in Me(Jesus). There is no other way, the bride has to be found in Christ so hidden in Him, clothed in fine linen, walking in all manner of purity.

The bride has to love the Lord wholly and fully,what shows that you love the Lord, is you obeying and following the decrees of the Lord(John 14:15). Jesus looks at the attitude of the heart here, you love the Lord because you have it settled forever in your heart that you will love Him forever. It is quite interesting to see how the church people love the Lord with no genuineness at all but out of the fear of hell, and we think God understands oh how we use this as a reason even to do what is not the command of the Lord. Deuteronomy 30:6 The Lord will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, that you may love the Lord with all your heart, mind and all your being, that you may live. Love is not a feeling, it is an ability you will never seek for a because to love the Lord, but no matter what, you will love the Lord in all things at all times. The bride of Jesus must be equally yoked to Him in love because one of our currencies in eternity will be the love we had and cultivated for Him in this age!

The bride has to be found faithful to the bridegroom Jesus during the church times. 2 Corinthians 11:2, God is a jealous Father and He would always fight for us so as to present us to Jesus as a pure bride. You have to do your part, be faithful to God! You cannot play games with God, you cannot share Him the world, you are either of God or of the world. Jesus had to even bring this home, that Ye are in the world, but not of the world (John 15:19). Stop being lukewarm, do not fall for the world and let go Jesus and pick Him up when you need His help, you are either hot or cold(1 Corinthians 4:1-2). Be faithful to God where He has called you, be faithful in doing His will, be faithful as you work out your salvation. You cannot be living a double standard life and expect to always be faithful to the Lord. Also,be found faithfully working in the vineyard of the Lord, fulfilling the great commission and declaring the coming of the bridegroom.

Reading about the ten virgins in Matthew 25: All the ten virgins were within the Kingdom of heaven- a symbolism to the church now, we all say we are Christians but some are not going to enter this Kingdom of heaven.
All had lamps- A symbolism to the Word, we all have been able to access the Word of the Lord and have read it and we know what is expected of us all.
All went out to meet the bridegroom- In this time we live in, we all want to go to heaven as Christians, none of us wants to be left out, we are on the same journey, but some are on the wrong path and the largest number is lost.
But there are five wise virgins and five foolish ones who both had oil....but what differentiates the wise from the foolish, is that they had an abundance of oil! The wise had an abundant ongoing operation of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they lived in the Pentecost daily, sought after it, run after it till they had an overflow of it, this made them ready for the groom because we read that the groom came late while they had slept, but they had enough oil, to keep them through and more to add on as they awaited in readiness of the groom!

Have a check in within yourself...
Are you cleansed by the blood and washed by the Word of God? Are you without stain, without blemish and blameless? Have you entered into mature son-ship to bear the nature of Jesus? Is your devotion to Jesus sincere? How faithful are you in your service for God? Are you watchful and prayerful? Are you pressing for perfection? Is the anointing of the Holy Spirit operating abundantly in you? Are you living in the state of readiness to meet the bridegroom? Will you be clothed with white fine linen?

The best state that the bridegroom should find His bride, is in purity, faithfulness and one who is One with Christ Jesus! Be a spotless, pure bride! The day of the Lord is near, be vigilant and ready to be with the Lord Jesus!

When the roll is called up yonder, I will be there! Oh when the saints of God, the bride of Christ go marching in, Lord I want to be among the number. The Spirit and the bride say, Lord Come!


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