Psalm 51:16-17 TPT
For the source of Your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to You. The fountain of Your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before You. You will not despise my tenderness as I humbly bow down at Your feet.
Be ye aware of the posture your heart takes before the Lord! Be careful not to serve God and He doesn't delight in you. Beware of the idols you have enthroned in the place of God!
Recently, I made a prayer and asked God, please, let me not portray physically before You what You do not see in my heart. I want to do every single thing, unto You, from the purity of my heart. Amen!
Many people look so broken before the Lord via our natural sight, but when the Lord looks at them, He is in total dismay because their heart is nothing like what they show. We have come to a place where men have not embraced brokenness neither have they embraced desperation for God not understanding that, it is who they are in the private place as well as their posture therein that determines how they operate in power in the public place. There are dimensions in God we can never step into if He finds our hearts wanting. The Lord will look at your heart and its motives before He entrusts you with anything.
People today do not want to invest time in the secret place yet they want to operate in so much power in the platforms. We have people so quick to go for the platforms and have zero time for God. We have substituted ministry for the secret dwelling place of God where one gets to be imparted with power for ministry. There is a difference between a minister who spends time in the secret place of God and one who doesn't. There are ministers who delight in the accolades of men while others are keen on God being glorified through them. First have a relationship with God that He identifies and knows is real before you begin to do ministry and when you do ministry, strive that your serving God doesn't interfere with your spending time with God.
Intimacy with God is in depths and you have to be willing to delve into the depths of God, for God. God wants us to continually experience the immeasurable greatness of His power, He desires that our lives be an advertisement of His immense power but this will never happen if you just want microwaved power and anointing. We easily forget that for every dimension in the Spirit you want to walk in,  for every anointing you pursue, you must pay the full price daily. Die daily! Be empowered from the secret place. Be oiled from the secret place. Be anointed from the secret place. We have to give our lives continually at the feet of Jesus. Frequently, be found at His feet!
People have become so engraved in ministry and they forget the One who authored them into it such that if ministry was taken away from their lives, you would not find God in them. They never pursue God anymore, their desire for God ceases. They are never desperate for God because ministry has become "busy". You must come to a place where the Lord vets your heart and its desires lest the ministry work becomes an idol that has taken the place of God in your life. Some have done ministry over the years, but never grow into God and in God but have grown to become so prideful that the Lord delights in no sacrifice one brings, their hearts before God are filthy!because one never takes time to stay with God and in those moments where He searches through one's heart and exposes that which is not of Him in you. See, the more you spend time in God and with God, continually there is a part of you that is changed till you become like Him, hence, if you never have time for God, who are you becoming like? We have so many ministers of the gospel who preach Jesus and that is great for the gospel must be heard to the ends of the earth, but out of all ministers, how many will be told of the Lord, welcome home good and faithful servant and how many will hear, I know you not after they say they have done things for God. There are many people who are struggling to release the power of God in ministry, all because they do not invest in the spirit.
People have masked brokenness in this time we are living in! People see brokenness before God as weakness. People no longer want to lay their lives at the feet of Jesus, many actually own their lives when the Bible is clear that you must loose your life. People no longer allow God to interfere with their lives, they want to live as they desire and not as He pleases such that even if God wants to take them into a season of brokenness He cannot because they are so filled with themselves and God has lost space in their lives to move. People have sought to be validated by men before God does so.
We must come to a place where we know how to pray, a place where we are so desperate for God and not anything else, a place where we desire Him and we choose Him over things that seem important.
We live in a time where people look for God when they are in need but when the need is met, they never look for God. We live in a time where people tell God the things He should touch in their lives and the things He shouldn't. We live in a time where people live double standard lives, they are in God and at the same time they are not. We live in a time where people are living hypocritical lives and undiscerning people led by this men end up living the same lives of pretense. It is a very sad time. We must unseat idols in our lives that take the place of God. Every single idol you enthrone, builds a throne in your life and God is dethroned. He no longer becomes Lord over your life. You must lay them down, especially pride and allow God to be the One enthroned. Let this be clear, you cannot be faithful to God when He is not Lord over your life.
See, people do not just operate in the power of God, people have invested their lives in God. There is no greater thing than God rewarding a man by using him for the glory of His name because He is delighted in them. God did not just use them, or delight in them, they paid a price and the price was their lives. We have to come to a place where we are satisfied by God more than the rewards the earth gives us.
Like David, in Psalm 51 ,desire to daily walk in perfected righteousness.  You must have no excuse for living a sinful life and your constant choice must be to live a pure, blameless life. God cannot be pleased in a man or reside in one who lives a sinful life, but will delight in a purged vessel. Unholy vessel are unfit to be used of and by God! Your good deeds can never justify you for living a sinful life.
Being a servant of God is awesome, but thrive to be His first! Strive to be known by Him! The greatest privilege in life, is not to minister before men but the ability to be able to minister to the Lord. Be more familiar and aware of the secret place than the platforms. Be made a minister unto God before men from the secret place. Let the reference point of every single thing you do be God! Be one that is found yearning, desiring and loving the throne room of God! Where you obtain grace and mercy! There can never be a waste of time for every single moment you spend with God. You must come to a place where when you come before God, He looks at your heart and says I am pleased by you.
There has to be a type of Godly people that will delight in being found in the secret place of God and therefore lead men and women and children to the secret place. Spend your life in His presence. It is a tactic of the devil to make us feel like we know so much of God. God cannot be exhausted! He is in depths unfathomable! The more you spend time in prayer, the more you cultivate His presence in your life. The presence of God must be priority. Be intentional about staying in His presence.
It has to come from the depths of your heart to be broken by God. It has to be your pursuit and desire to follow after God. It has to be your aim to please God in all that you do. Give yourself totally to God. Let your entire life revolve around God! You must have no other option other than God. You must be willing to seek Him till the end of you.
I believe though and know without a shadow of doubt that God is raising men and women after His heart. They are men submitted to His Lordship. They are yielded and surrendered to the Holy Spirit. They are men of the secret place. They will carry Him carefully. They will please Him with their lives. They are gifted with brokenness and humility. They know God for themselves. They have a heart for God. They desire God so much, it is a clear pursuit of their lives and God will make a clear demarcation between the men He is raising and them that are not for Him and His Kingdom!  They will carry the palpable anointing of God. They will relentlessly pursue Him.


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