In pursuit of God for God!
Praise God!
It has been a while since I penned down a piece and today by the grace of God we get to indulge in a writing close to my heart, consistently in my mind and one I purpose to do and keep doing till my life is through.
So dig in! π
Like most Christians I have had days where I am pursuing God for God in an unusual manner and other times I feel like well, I could take a break for a day, a week, or two and get back. At times, I find myself distracted by what we call issues of life and find myself derailed in my pursuit for God. There are times, I want to go hard after God but something always seems to come up and cause me again to fall back. Of course I get sad and say a thousand apologies to God, mumble a prayer amidst tears asking God to rekindle the desire for Him in me and most often, if not all times, it is my duty to ensure that the desire keeps going, never stopping.
Recently, I have been so overwhelmed having so much to do and at a point in prayer I told the Holy Spirit how much I miss Him. As I kept praying, tears welled up my eyes and I suddenly begun to weep uncontrollably. I was crying and it was those cries that are weird π© so I asked the Holy Spirit what was wrong. The response I got came so heavy in my spirit because He said, I miss our fellowship and once He said that, I kept repeating, I have missed you too! You see, funnily, I had been praying, studying the Word, doing all those things we Christians do so religiously yet I was constantly missing out on having my intimate fellowship and relationship with the Holy Spirit. It saddened Him, I was as well. Suddenly, like the gushing of many waters, my response for an hour and thirty minutes was "Draw me! I will run after You! π( Songs of Solomon 1:4)
Hebrews 12:6b...And when He draws you to Himself, it proves you are His delightful child. Dear reader, it dawned to me after my experience that day that God desires us and yearns for men who will minister before Him, to Him in the secret place. There are men and women God greatly delights in and this ones He literally pulls them to Himself. He has a special kind of jealousy for them because they have decided to live for Him, these ones He preserves and guards and will take away anything that tries to separate them from Him. He loves such men so greatly and gives them the privilege of approaching Him in the place where He dwells. You see, such men also are seekers of God for God. Their pursuit for God is relentless and it is so clear in their lives that they want God and nothing else. These ones are not double crossing their desire for God, neither does it change nor get substituted with anything else. Their simple mantra: PURSUING GOD FOR GOD!
I do not know about you but it is such a joy to me when I know that God loves my company π such that at times you pray and when you think you are done He replies, "Could you stay a while longer?". If you go ahead and read of the man named Enoch it was said of him in scripture that is Hebrews 11:5...but before he was taken up, he was approved as pleasing to God. What does that tell us that there is a life you must leave and a life you must embrace and live that has to be pleasing to God. What life would please God if not one of a person who walks righteously before Him? I know of none! Therefore for the Lord to take pleasure in you, His holiness must also be imprinted on you at all times.
We therefore have to come to a place where we are righteously living for God. A place where we no longer just set time for God like God,you and I have only an hour together because as much as it is great to schedule time for God we must be so flexible such that when He requests for the whole day with you the whole day it is. A place where God can interrupt your time and schedules and you won't feel like He has become too much. You come to a place where you are so in love with Him and His presence that He chooses to accompany you wherever you go. A place where your life literally revolves around God. Yet, this doesn't come in an instance! It is cultivated every single day. It is pursuing God till He Himself knows that you cannot live without Him.
Remember the Sunday school song read your Bible pray every day if you want to grow. Thinking about it and said, it's true, I don't refute anything but there is a dimension deeper than just that. Christians are now pursuing God for other things, doing things for Him so that we get blessed, living right so that we don't go to hell, obeying His commands so that this happens or does not. Dearest reader, as much as God is happy when you do things that please Him, what pleases Him the most is when He has you without any strings attached. People do not want to have a relationship with God and they are just seekers of what He can give them. God is looking for men who are willing to give over their lives totally to Him. Completely yielded and submitted to Him. He(Jesus) gave His life so that you can have the life you are loving now, what other thing could you possibly give Him if not the entire of your life.
We have been at home quarantined for a while now, and there are many things to pray for but God wants us! God yearns for moments with us and not just for this time, but forever till He returns for us. He desires that men have intimate relationships with Him, fellowshiping with Hin without telling Him how time is far much spent. He wants you! π. Do not make Him ever beg for your attention, He desires that we become quick to respond to Him and His presence. Right now, the secret place of many men has Bern substituted by silly excuses here and there, their altars of prayer are loosing it's fire. God wants to have men to Himself, men who are lovers of His presence and those who also guard their relationship with Him jealously. As much as Gid delights in answering the prayers of His people, He has been waiting for us to pray this prayer and it is LORD, GIVE ME THE TOTALITY OF YOURSELF!
We are entering a season where there will be a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and God desires to pour out Himself to men. God looks at us being so busy doing absolutely nothing, when He wants to open the place of His presence so that we can live our days before Him. It is not easy to be granted such an access, such an honor, because all God will show the e
men who yearn for Him is mercy and the testimony on their lips will be, We are just mere men on whom God has shown great mercy!
There has to be an unending desire for God in you. Things you will have to lose and gain Christ who wants to fill you and I with all His fullness and give you His person. It takes taking up your cross and choosing to follow Him despite what and praying hence that God doesn't take away the cross however heavy it gets but grants you grace to carry it all the way. It takes a man willing to lay his life down before His majesty, everything that he is and will ever be. It takes a man who is willing to put his life in the hands of the one who sits as a refiner daily being refined till God sees His image on him. It takes a man who is willing to live solely got the Lord and has nothing else to live for except God. It is costly. The price to pay is the price of your entire life!
As if that ain't enough, God says He is a God who hides Himself, dwells in unapproachable light, deep darkness surrounds Him. This places in God demand that a man dies to himself and seeks after what is supernatural till it becomes his natural. But when you finally obtain God, encounter Him, He begins to change the stature of the man so that the he constantly is becoming like Him. The man is perfected daily before God and the scripture as He is, so am I is no longer vague bit real and like Enoch possibly enter a realm where he becomes no more. When you choose to pursue God for God, He gives you Himself and what greater gift than that of God Himself!
There is a reward of doing things for the audience of One, God. So even as we go about this season, I hear the voice of God asking... May I have your attention? And for the respondents, He gives them who He is. Can you imagine the God who is enthroned on high looking for a man in whom He can abide in? Indeed as the writer of this song sung, there is truly no higher calling and no greater honor than to bow and kneel before the throne of God. There is nothing as beautiful as being wrecked in His presence, nothing as amazing as His presence, nothing as satisfying as being in Him and oh to be filled with awe of His glory, fear and reverence to Him.
God is raising up men for Himself and men are rising up comprising of a generation that is hungry for Hin and willing to go hard after Him. Wanting God is not just by word of mouth, it is a purposeful pursuit. And when God nudges, don't procrastinate, respond. Do whatever ir takes to have a fresh encounter with God daily and remember it is your duty to facilitate hunger for God.
That your prayer unchanging will be: God,give me the totality of Yourself!
I am praying that a great desire for God will be stirred within you and that He will be merciful to you to give you Himself and access to dimensions in the Spirit that you know not yet desire to encounter! Amen!
With Love,
Imani ❤
Thanks for such a truthful word... am humbled pulling up my socks in the areas of fellowship with Him!!! More grace dear