Praise God,
Happy New Year!
By reason that you are reading this post means that you are alive and we thank God for life. Another opportunity to live for Him! Isn't that amazing? Thank you Jesus๐
I love walking (the tiredness I don't love though๐) and one of the reasons I enjoy walking to work is because I get to have some time with My Jesus and this week as I did my daily walk to work, I found myself lost in wonder due to the fact that I can access Jesus in the most holy place any time and the fact that everytime I meet Him and anytime He meets me, I am the living sacrifice on the altar!
Indulge ๐
Rom.12.1 - I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.
Heb.10.19 - Therefore, brethren, since we have full freedom and confidence to enter into the [Holy of] Holies [by the power and virtue] in the blood of Jesus,
Heb.10.20 - By this fresh (new) and living way which He initiated and dedicated and opened for us through the separating curtain (veil of the Holy of Holies), that is, through His flesh,
Heb.10.21 - And since we have [such] a great and wonderful and noble Priest [Who rules] over the house of God,
Heb.10.22 - Let us all come forward and draw near with true (honest and sincere) hearts in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered by faith (by that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness), having our hearts sprinkled and purified from a guilty (evil) conscience and our bodies cleansed with pure water.
Jesus is unutterably precious to me! And throughout my life, I have learnt to allow my single focus be Him. It hasn't been easy cause lawd! the number of times I have wanted to just steer the wheel of certain parts of my life have been many but so far, nothing has been beautiful than my surrender to Jesus. And right now, it is as if scales have fallen off my eyes to the realization that all Jesus ever wanted was me! All Jesus ever wants,is you!
As a Christian in this age and time where there are lots of things to do, ponder on, oftenly we miss out on Jesus. We hurry up in our devotions with Him, we are casual in our relationship with Him, we don't want to go an extra mile in praying even in the reading of the Word, we want to say God understands my schedules, we have become too religious for God, we have become lazy, nothing is that serious we say...that has got to change because I believe with all my heart, that Jesus is now saying, I WANT YOU.IT IS YOU THAT I WANT. There are many things we try to do, for Jesus, for His Kingdom and sadly,He doesn't have us. We aren't His. And woe unto us if we do everything only for Him to say I know you not!
During the days of Moses in the Old Testament there was a tabernacle which was separated in parts but my focus today is on the place behind the veil: The most holy place. If you read through scripture you will realize that the veil was to screen the ark of God's presence. Only the High Priest was given access to it once a year to make sacrifices, the rest of the people used to worship in the outer court. Usually, the sacrifices that were made then were of animals that were killed and burnt so the offering goes up to the Lord as a sweet fragrance. When Jesus died, the curtain of the Holy of Holies in the Temple tore into two and He now became the access to the most holy place. Any man who now wants to enter does so through Him. He is the door! It is through His flesh that we enter in. Thank you Jesus! ๐
One of my favorite songs, is I enter the Holy of Holies- Paul Wilbur. And now more than before, I crave for this place, I yearn to be found there not for anything else but to worship. Because, positioning ourselves for intimacy is beyond a drudgery of commitment, it is wanting to be intimate with Jesus in the secret place. Don't we just love this song: Our lives belong to You- T Sharp? But have we truly understood what all our worship is?what Jesus really wants?
The scripture in Romans 12:1 says we give our bodies as living sacrifice, holy, pleasing and acceptable sacrifice for this is our real spiritual act of worship. John.4.23 - A time will come, however, indeed it is already here, when the true (genuine) worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (reality); for the Father is seeking just such people as these as His worshipers. True worshippers! This is just not a people who speak in tongues, who pray for an hour non stop, who are in church 24/7 but a people who have learnt the giving over of all that they are to the Lord. They don't bring stuff to Jesus, material things, they first bring themselves and anything they bring later is as a result of their giving over all they are. True worshippers are men whose lives have become the living sacrifice laid on the altar in the presence of God, they have become His worship! It is when our lives, our bodies are living sacrifices, then holy, then pleasing and acceptable to God that we worship!
And when you come to understand this, you realize that the one place you will delight in, is the secret place of God. You just want to be found in the place He resides!Because that is where you give up you to Him. It is where you first become as a sweet smelling fragrance of Christ which exhales unto the Lord! It is where You obtain Him! It is where we become a fire-gift to the Lord cause it is all we have to offer!๐ญ๐ญ
The people of Israel never knew what happened in the most holy place, they just worshipped on the outer court and some of us haven't still grasped the understanding that the secret place is open, we can enter in guys!So we want to enjoy the experiences other people have had with God, bringing our minds to believe in the lie that you have to be saved this number of years, you have to be a man or woman of God etc we watch as people enter in, then we wait to enjoy their experiences and for some just listening to them say their encounters with God and we go wow!wewe ni mdeep and it ends there. No desire to also deeply pursue God! Cause you just want to be normal and such things aren't for you ๐....
When the High Priest then entered the Holy of Holies, they used to wear things on their legs, lest they die inside there so that they can be pulled out and before entering, there would be sanctification because going in with sin demanded you die. I'm grateful that even while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us but one thing we have I think taken too far is the "come as you are" phrase. I partially agree with it. God hates sin! It displeases Him. It causes you to have spots or stains. Let's not create a habit where we assume God and His disregard for unholiness. We can live in holiness, there is One who can keep us, righteousness has been accorded to us as a gift. Stop living waywardly then say come as you are... The last time I checked, nothing unholy will enter Heaven.
There is a reason why Jesus cut the veil and made open the place behind the veil. For men to go into His very presence, to encounter Him as He really is! Stop peeping, enter in!
Where are the Mary's of this time who take time just to sit at the feet of Jesus not caring what Martha's will say or the tasks that they ought to do? Where are the Moses's of this time who are glowing radiantly with the glory of God cause they chose to go be with the Lord despite of? Where are the Mary's who will press through past the crowds and anoint the feet of Jesus till the fragrance of their oil fill the house?Where are the people who are willing to be left at the altar with Jesus? Where are we? Or are we just satisfied with the normal? There is a place beyond! One thing common with all this people is they desired God!
Surrender is not the easiest thing a human being can do! Living out of the comfortable and common isn't easy! But is that all we want? To be comfy, to not have ashy knees, to just relate with God in terms of blessings and miracles, is that all we want? You choose for yourself! But one thing I know, is as much as God is inexhaustible, He is raising up men who will not relent in their pursuit of Him, men who will choose to be dwellers beyond the veil, and this men will go hard after God and know Him in heights and depths of God that mere men can comprehend not.
In the first chapters of the book of 1 Samuel you read of how the sons to Eli detest the Lord and offerings made to Him BUT (you gotta love this word sometimes) Samuel grew with the Lord! When the word of God was rare in those days...BUT Samuel....I don't care how sinful people around you, the condition of your surroundings, the state of your workplace, whether people around you regard the Lord or not, when it comes to God, you make the choice of either living for Him and knowing Him or not. No excuse!
We have to begin to set our eyes on Jesus, we have to be found where He is, we have to dwell in His presence consciously! God in this era will not need to publicly anoint people,He will anoint them in the secret place and set them apart for Himself. He will take pleasure in their lives, they bring glory to His name. 1Cor.6.19 - Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own. You are God's temple and do not host God, so what exactly are you? What are you haboring in the inside of you? If not God then who? The greatest possession you can have in this life is God. The greatest inheritance you can have is God. The best thing you can do for yourself is to HOST GOD! Be a host of His presence! Be a carrier of His glory!
Rom.8.19 - For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Creation is earnestly waiting! But what is manifesting now? Christians who don't have the revelation of God. Christians who are playing hide and seek with the devil. Christians who aren't doing the works that Jesus did. Christians who are living in sin and repentance is not something they consider. Let me call them funny Christians. People whose words do not have power!Just so much drama in the church. Because people want their churches to grow in a day, people speak what the itchy ears of men want to hear now what God is saying and how can they even know what God is saying if they have not been to where He resides?where He is is a once a year thing when they want to hear what the Lord will say before the beginning of the year๐.... Scripture doesn't say that and the pastor's, ministers, bishops are the ones who creation is waiting for them to manifest it says SONS OF GOD. John.1.12 - But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
So where are we sons of God? Wickedness increases by the day and the righteous are either loosing it or joining in wickedness! How terrible! It is time to manifest!!!! But there are things that we must put in place. How can God use us if He doesn't have us? How can we manifest if we still have gods and idols highly elevated in our lives? When we have built up walls around us and God has not been allowed to break through? Are we not tired of ministering empty? God cannot even draw nigh to us because we are too lazy to draw near, not even laziness, we have no desire to draw near!
Going back to a text in 1 Samuel when the Israelites were defeated by the Philistines, they chose to take the ark of the covenant with them and thought they will be scared. Right, the Philistines got scared remembering how it is the God who saved them from the Egyptians but then they gathered strength and managed to win the war and smite the Israelites. What a shame? To think we have the presence of God with us and He left a long time ago without our knowledge, to think that God will use us and be for us when we need Him but we cannot meet the needs of Heaven, to think we can do what we want as long as we have the "ark of the covenant" we win....It doesn't work that way friends! God is not some genie we can put in a lamp and let Him out when we need Him. We cause men to mock God, despise His name, refuse to believe in Him because of our recklessness. God had to discontinue the priesthood under Eli because of this not what we do now? Keeping on in sin and none is ready to correct, have sorrow for sin and sinners? Have mercy Lord!
Reading on the Philistines capture the ark of the covenant and place it in their gods house. And the first time they want in there, their god was bowing before the ark of the covenant. They lift this god, and they next find it even in pieces. And we are here joking with God. Thinking He can reign where our gods reign, even where we ourselves reign. And some of us are like this men, when God puts down an idol, we pick it up again...ah! Let us then lay aside every idol! If an idol made with the hands of men bowed before God, we must lay down what has taken the very place of God in our lives, every throne erected in us that's not of God...and every place of God in our lives is ALL OF US!
2 Timothy 3:1-5 But you need to be aware that in the final days the culture of society will become extremely fierce and difficult for the people of God. People will be self-centered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore their own families. They will be ungrateful and ungodly. They will become addicted to hateful and malicious slander. Slaves to their desires, they will be ferocious, belligerent haters of what is good and right. With brutal treachery, they will act without restraint, bigoted and wrapped in clouds of their conceit. They will find their delight in the pleasures of this world more than the pleasures of the loving God. They may pretend to have a respect for God, but in reality they want nothing to do with God’s power. Stay away from people like these! Unfortunately,this is what we have, powerless Christians! Godless Christians! Yet I believe, that the Lord is raising a remnant in this day for Himself and I'm certainly readying myself to His choicest vessel!
2Cor.4.7 - However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.
Empowered in the secret place, as a result of being the worshipper that God seeks after by becoming the worship, is that you are filled with exceedingly great power! Of God,from God,for His glory! We have to be filled with the Holy Spirit immesurably! We have to love the secret place of God! At His feet must be one of our favorite places. Creation is not looking for eloquency, it is not looking for how vast you are with the Bible, it is looking for sons of God manifesting God!
Let's wake up!
Let's ascend to the hill of the Lord!
Away with this slumber and excuses!
Away with not wanting to have a personal experience with God!
Away with the fake revelations when you have none of your own!
Can we tarry in His presence longer than we do, or until He releases us? Can we not be in haste to leave Him instead be in haste to bow when He comes to us?๐ญ๐ญ. Can we just give Him our lives for real withholding nothing for real? Can we allow Him to reign over us? Can we choose the place behind the veil more than anything? Can we be the sacrifice laid on the altar bringing to His nostrils a sweet smelling aroma? Can we love Him above all else? Can we draw near to Him? Can we give us up to be filled with all of God? Can there be a difference between us and them that know not the Lord? Can our ministrations be God filled and Holy Spirit led? Can we let Him take the stage and lay aside the prideful spirit that wants us to be seen and not God?
Oh that desire for God engulfs us!
Oh that we may yearn to swim in the river that flows in His presence
Oh that in our day He becomes our portion
Oh that our lives and bodies be living sacrifices that are holy, acceptable and pleasing to God!
Oh that all our beings will be filled with all of God!
Oh that nothing will satisfy us except Him and His presence!
Oh that we will be manifested on this earth and God will be glorified!
As one great song writer sung,
Where You are
Where You reside
Let me know the secret, the secret of the secret place!
Receive grace to pursue God and never settle for less than God. Receive grace to go behind the veil! Refuse to be manifested before your time! Refuse to have your manifestation delayed!
It has always been BEHIND THE VEIL!๐!
Prayerfully listen to Behind the Veil- Juanita and Take me into the holy of holies- Kutless
N.B: This is one of my favorite photos. Of my husband and I at a time when God's presence overwhelmed us. We are recipients of His mercy!
With love,
Imani Mundia
Wow imani,u r a blessing to many .may the Gracious Merciful God keep expanding your territories๐
ReplyDeleteAmazing. Not a brief encounter but living with Christ. Thanks sis