I have gone through an interesting season of feeling hurting, broken and all alone but God!He came through for me and my heart goes out to the people who feel just as I felt and are almost losing hope and giving up when it is not over with them. During this season, I opted for this one thing: To focus on God! I realized that I may not get much strength when I share my hurt out, or sit down and lament. The Holy Spirit kept reminding me, that my strength for such a time can only be found in the Lord(Eph6:10...Be strong IN the Lord and in the strength of HIS might) So I had to be found in the Lord, hence I took time to go deeper into God and mysteriously the fact that I was broken was a moment when I got new insight into the very character of God. It is great to be reminded that even Jesus went through the same things we face and He always sought God, He ran to where God was(John15:7...abide in Me and I in you) that is where He found strength and the same applies for us. I begun feeding on the Word and communicating to Him more and He slowly begun to make me, more than what I was, more of what He wanted me to be like(and yes the process can be seemingly gradual and slow) but part two of the scripture in Ephesians excited me more it says and in the strength of HIS might. My strength was mere, actually nothing all I needed and was to be found in Him and get His strength!
See, God does not break you as a symbol that He is done with you and no longer with you No!He breaks you to make you:His masterpiece, you know those times that you have lived to be what people say you are and not what He says you are?, He can break you to show you His very nature, breaks you to free you, breaks you to draw you closer to Him and even at times breaks you to remove your dependency on people and things other than Him. Broken hearts can be horrible, one may try ignore how they feel, hoping they put on fake smiles, put on enough make-up to disguise how sad they are and it honestly does not work. The pull of being hurt and disappointed is sometimes too strong to mentally move on, even emotions aren't that logical. It gets harder each day and even saying to yourself that you will make it, the healing never works, but what a sweet assurance we get in Psalm34:18 that The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in Spirit. He is right there with you!and for sure, He has something to teach you in such a season.
One Mark Lowry said that God tends to use broken pots because they leak more water and He uses such broken people the most. God on the mountain is Lord in the valley and indeed a very present help to the broken hearted people. God will always showcase His strength on the platform of your weakness, 2Corinthians12:9-10 wow!For when I AM WEAK, then I AM STRONG! This scripture amazes me, and teaches me that there is a blessedness in being weak that there are times when people know you, know how you lost that job, that close person, undergoing a relationship breakdown, have a sick person in bed, depressed name them all and they look at you and ask how you got over it because they know your type of character is to cry, get lonely....but things just changed and they have all this flooding questions of is this you? how fast you have healed? This are times you smile broadly, and say to them proudly, This is Jesus!His strength made perfect in my weakness. Do not let all that hurt waste you, won't you come to Jesus, His arms are open wide, ready to give you the strength you need for such a season!
I was reading how Jesus fed the 5,000 men, a boy came with two loaves of bread and five fish. The disciples must have been telling the boy,how do you think this is going to feed this multitude?The boy still SURRENDERED IT TO JESUS. Just do not give up on God!I can imagine the faith this boy had. TRUST GOD even when there is so much impossibilities of healing and being strong staring right at you and voices speaking. Jesus took the bread and BROKE it after He gave thanks. Now, notice that the lunch for this boy(but how was he to eat 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish by himself lol๐๐๐) in the Lords hand after being broken enabled him to be part of Gods ministry to feed masses. People ate and the Lord insisted that the disciples collect the remains. How amazing! God enables the imperfect people to promote His perfect Son!He uses what seems to be unworthy, useless and gives it a greater reach to minister to others. Come to Jesus,ye that are heavy laden, He will give you rest!
Look at Jacob, he was being followed by Esau to be killed, then he comes to Jesus and the angel of the Lord appears to him in Genesis 33 and he literally wrestles with God, breaks his leg and thereafter called blessed-Israel. Do not leave the place where God is when you are miserable, now even draw nigh to Him. The woman mentioned in Mark 14:3 She came in with her alabaster box, broke it down that the contents in it poured out and she washed the feet of Jesus and applied ointment from the box, at times you need to leave that relationship, break your goals, separate from what you thought was good for you and allow the Holy Spirit to spill from you in worship. Though you may feel broken, there is a blessedness in being broken. In Psalm 51 the Word says a broken and a contrite heart, the Lord does not despise. You just have to realize that God can work out all hings for you if you just surrender and yield yourself to Him.
When we keep listening attentively without undivided attention to the voice that calls you His, you can live with brokenness not forever but for a while not as a confirmation you are worthless, but an opportunity to partake of the blessing that rests on us.Great and heavy burdens become light and easy when they are lived in the light of the blessing. What seems intolerable becomes a challenge.What seemed a reason for depression becomes a source of purification.What looks like punishment becomes a gentile pruning.What makes you feel rejected becomes a way to deeper communion. God has your matters in His heart!I pray that in your season of brokenness, you will not only find God, but you will also joy in it for the Lords joy is your strength and you will come out stronger and a better you will be seen.
Amen. The Lord's strength is made perfect in my weakness