For the last four days, the Lord has been reminding me of things that are of the past yet so relevant to me and it is so refreshing when God rekindles the experiences because He clearly is not just repeating without a purpose.He is intentional when He does such things. I have been therefore meditating on things God taught me a while ago and are of importance now. I was just a tiny form two little girl, set to be an assistant intercessory leader in high school. I could not understand how such a task was to be worked out and one thing I really trusted God for was the Holy Spirit. I by that time had never heard any preaching on the Holy Spirit neither did I ever have a clue of what it really meant but I knew I needed the Holy Spirit, an experience with the Holy Spirit.And I had to pursue this for sure with all I was and all within me desired this and pap! my journey begun and this happened along they way.
I kept asking the Lord to revive me and open the Heavens and pour out His Spirit on me. Now, revival means the move of the Spirit among a people. It is therefore a persons encounter with the Spirit of God, that revives you. Revival is also part of the plan of the Lord, it is His intention. So when you begin to desire revival, know that God intends to revive you but revival has demands of its own which you will have to meet to experience it!Habakkuk 3:2 Lord, I have heard of your fame I stand in awe of your deeds. Revive them in our day in our time...Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as waters cover the sea. God already intends to revive everyone of us and even the church at large except that there are things that will precede revival in your life and even in the church. Scripture denotes that the latter will be greater than now and Prophet Joel says in Joel 2:28 In the last days, I will pour my Spirit upon all we have to know that the package God has for Christians in the last days is greater than what has ever been seen, meaning, the manifestations of God in the latter will for sure be greater! 1Corinthians 2:9 It is written that no eye has seen, no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for them that love Him, amazing right? that we are in the best days of Gods move, but unfortunately we will have three kinds of people in such a time;
I kept asking the Lord to revive me and open the Heavens and pour out His Spirit on me. Now, revival means the move of the Spirit among a people. It is therefore a persons encounter with the Spirit of God, that revives you. Revival is also part of the plan of the Lord, it is His intention. So when you begin to desire revival, know that God intends to revive you but revival has demands of its own which you will have to meet to experience it!Habakkuk 3:2 Lord, I have heard of your fame I stand in awe of your deeds. Revive them in our day in our time...Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as waters cover the sea. God already intends to revive everyone of us and even the church at large except that there are things that will precede revival in your life and even in the church. Scripture denotes that the latter will be greater than now and Prophet Joel says in Joel 2:28 In the last days, I will pour my Spirit upon all we have to know that the package God has for Christians in the last days is greater than what has ever been seen, meaning, the manifestations of God in the latter will for sure be greater! 1Corinthians 2:9 It is written that no eye has seen, no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for them that love Him, amazing right? that we are in the best days of Gods move, but unfortunately we will have three kinds of people in such a time;
- Those who will steer and engineer the move of God. This people will be very few but they are there.
- Those who will watch the move of God.
- Those who will miss the move of God.
It is for you to determine where you will lie, will you be part of steering the move of God, watch it and experience it? or will you steer and give up? watch it but not experience it? or miss the move of God completely?
There are things God taught me then and I will share them here, when I really felt I needed to experience the move of God, God made it clear to me that
1. I had to be separate. To be set apart/be holy and consecrated to the Lord. You want to encounter God, be ye holy! The first step to experiencing the move of God was to be set apart. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore come out and be separate says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you. Unfortunately as Christians, this is not what we want to do because we will look ''weird'' and now this generation of believers is not different from the world, they look the same since Christians have been yoked with the world and they forget the word that says Know ye not that you live in the world but ye are not of the world? Isaiah 52:11 Depart, depart, go out from there!Touch no unclean thing!Come out from it and be pure you who carry the vessels of the Lord.If you are to experience the move of God or heavenly things, you must be devoid of what pertains the earth and this is the reason we are not experiencing revival in our lives and churches, careless living as Christians. 2 Timothy 2:19-21 Nevertheless, Gods solid foundation stands firm, sealed with His inscription: The Lord knows those who are His and everyone who confesses the name of the Lord MUST turn away from wickedness.....if a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes made holy, useful to the master and prepared to do any good work. You must commit to be set apart, a yielded vessel to the Holy Spirit, only such Christians will be revived and experience revival. It takes a foundation of separation for there to be a manifestation of the move of God. Stop living a careless Christian life!
2. As I pursued holiness and got out from anything that displeased God, the Holy Spirit in me created a hunger that was insatiable. I had to be desperate for the move of God. He taught me, that only a heart that burns with passion for God and hungers for God will be filled, therefore the move of God I so needed to experience had to be preceded by desperation. You must be hungry and never loose the hunger until you are filled not by anything but by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit used to remind me because I am not a good eater, and whenever I got really hungry and could not get food to eat, the hunger would end πππππ and He used to tell me Faith, you cannot be hungry for God and His righteousness to a point that you are hungry no more that is fake hunger. Intense real desperation will cause God to out pour His Spirit and Himself on you. Psalm 42: 1 As the deer panteth for the water, so I thirst for you. You cannot also smell the things of the Spirit to be full, you have to feed on them to be full and you cannot feed on what you are not hungry for. I had come to a point I could not continue without the Holy Spirit. We have to come to this point, where nothing else matters until He arrives. This hunger does not die of after you feed, it is insatiable it goes on and on, this desperation has to be permanent otherwise, you will relax when you think you have heard enough of God. God is inexhaustible and you must not get familiar with the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 8:2 The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know...The depths of the Lord you cannot reach and say you have heard enough! You have to be desperate for God! To see Him, know Him and experience Him!
3. Prayer. The Holy Spirit is an amazing helper. He taught me that no one can qualify for revival if they are not desperate enough to enter the room of prayer. Acts 1:13-14 explains how the apostles stayed in the upper room and they experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Kindly note that even Mary the mom to Jesus was present, I mean Mary was the mother to the Son of God, that title by itself was enough and too huge yet she waited in prayer for the Holy Spirit. What is that title that you have that makes you think you have achieved everything and you and your life do not need the move of God, my mom puts it like''unadhani umefika hadi huhitaji Mungu tena?'' Yaani, you are called Pastor, Bishop, Doctor and you sit down on it, God aint a respecter of persons, Mary was found, you are not an exemption. There is a necessity for people and the church in need of revival to be found in their altars of prayer, praying without ceasing 1 Thessalonians 5:17. The move of God demands you be found in the place of prayer, the place where God dwells.Wait for Jesus, in prayer!And do not just make prayer an activity, you need to ensure you connect to God in prayer! Just do not neglect the altar of prayer!
4. You have to be dedicated too. The agenda of God requires dedicated and not lazy people. It is sad to experience the move of God and not be able to sustain it, to experience Jesus and realize you do not live the experience at all, it was just for one day. You must be dedicated not only to His Work but also to Him You cannot carry God or experience His move if you do not live a life poured out. John 12:24-26 you have got to plant yourself as a seed, to die in Jesus in order to live a life through and in Him. The reason we sometimes do not experience God is because we are chasing after His things and not Him! Until the price of dedication is paid, do not expect to be glorified by the Lord. We need to come to a point where we are planted and rooted in God for real. Come to a point where all you for sure need is Jesus and not His things did He not promise that If you seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness all the other things will be added unto you? You know we have become too busy for God and what pertains His Kingdom and this totally shows our lives are not sold out completely to God.It is not who you are that matters, it is the passion you have for God. It is actually interesting that we have Christians who are seasonally on fire for God, and dedicate their all to Him when they need Him and are in some sort of trouble. That is not how it works, you have to be dedicated to God and the things of God.Nothing else matters!
5. Faith. Everything in the Kingdom of God are done by faith. Pastor Micah says that when you walk by faith and not sight, you are walking by what you hear, how you walk is determined by what He says. How true this is! The promise of God for revival, must be received by faith! We need to be men and women of faith that what God promised, He is faithful to fulfill because He is not faithful to me or you, He is faithful to His Word and will follow it to fulfill it. You need to stop praying prayers you do not believe in. You cannot have a reception of what you are not convicted of because God will operate as a reaction of your faith.
To do such things, by your strength you cannot make it, you need the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes and lives in you if you are born again, and you yet again have to be yielded to Him so that you can hear Him speak and help you out. He will teach all that pertains life and Godliness, He will reveal Jesus to you. The life of God in the soul of a man is the key to live righteously! My prayer is that as we seek revival, we will be ready to be a people that are set apart, we will have a real insatiable hunger for God, we will be found in the place of prayer, we will be dedicated to God and what pertains Him and we will be men and women of faith!
Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down!
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