
Showing posts from 2016


Do you hear what I hear? Bags packed, sound of rustling wrapping paper,carols being belted out in cars and at homes, loads of laughter and happiness, closure of work, bonus on the salary.  I love Christmas but is this all Christmas is about?? To some we focus primarily on the gifts, the lights, the trees, and food but then if it is our point of focus then we inappropriately view this season. Jesus and His birth is the real reason for the season and we hence celebrate Christmas because it is not just a reminder of who came but why He came. It is not only that new born baby in a manger that speaks of Christmas but more of the man who died on the cross to die for our sins. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He SENT His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus was sent, He left the comfort and glory of Heaven, took a human body so that we could have a relationship with God and obtain eternal life. What manner of love the Fath...


I recently opted to look into the book of Romans and how I love Paul and the kind of literature he uses as he writes. One thing struck my mind and it came about when I read this; Romans 2: 28-29 A man is not a Jew if he is one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew is he is one inwardly and circumcision is circumcision of the HEART, by the SPIRIT, not by the written code. Such a mans praise is not from men but from God.  What is circumcision by the Spirit? It is surrendering the heart to the guidance of the Lord and allowing your being to be controlled by God. It is being dead to sin and alive in Christ. We all are born are born with the sinful nature and with sin Psalm 51:5 Behold I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. and for one to receive salvation that comes by faith through grace in Jesus Christ God has to work on you and especially the sinful nature so that you receive newness in Christ Jesus 2 Corinthia...


My Christian life has always been one of a kind. I am one person who loves people who speak deep things of God and I seriously listen to them so much ensure that I keep my feet on the move to ensure that I do not miss any of their articles, preaching and posts. I had that intense desire to learn the things of God but I so much depended on what others got from God for a long time. I used to read the Word and pray and get to hear from God but I was like stuck to the norm of just hearing this portion from God and hearing the rest from what He had spoken to other people. It got tiring at some point especially when schedules got tighter that I could not keep up with the heavy sermons and at this point is where Jesus told me that He can speak to me too, I just had to have a lifestyle...This lifestyle was a life of hunger. This meant that I had to hunger and thirst each and every day of my entire life! That hit me, I was hungering for more of God and His righteousness but the moment I got f...


For the past one week , the Lord laid in my heart the burden of praying and not just praying but praying effective prayers. The prayers of a RIGHTEOUS man availeth much( James 5:16) and quoting you pray but there is no answer because you ask AMISS( James 4:2-3). This two verses kept me on my toes and I could not help but ask the Spirit of the Lord to teach and counsel me through the virtue of prayer. Prayer, we simply say is communication with God and communication is such where you send a message and the recipient answers to complete the cycle, now that's communication. So thinking on such lines, prayer requires no other treatment in heaven rather than answers because it is the breath of a regenerated Spirit but for this prayer to be answered, it has to be EFFECTIVE. Consistent effective prayer is the way to maintain an awesome and great Christian life but if your prayer life drops and your prayers are offered merely then your spirit man is already stooping low. I read a ...

True Disciples: Remnants of God.

Matthew 7: 21'' Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me , you evildoers. This is the verse the Holy Spirit laid in my spirit this morning and it has been ringing in my head all along. Let us talk about Judas Iscariot. He was amongst the twelve chosen disciples of Jesus and had the privilege to walk with Jesus and work with Him closely. He also had one of the most senior positions of being a treasurer of the twelve and unfortunately Luke calls him traitor. How could it be that someone who walked with the Lord almost in all His days on earth be a traitor and a thief?? Well, it is very possible especially in this generation we are living in. Judas, being the treasure, used to do sin and the fact that...


Am going to my third year in campus and this far, I have seen God and indeed through my campus life, I have learnt to have faith in Jesus and to take Him at His very Word. When I was just about to join campus, I had issues in getting a school and when I finally got to settle, it was a private university. I had prayed about it and was quite sure that was where God wanted me to be but the issue was I did not have even 1/4 of the fees that was required. So, I decided to have a conversation with God, I asked Him why He took me to a place He knew we could not afford and all He said was trust Me. Okay, I chose to wait on God and sure He came through for me and we got 3/4 of the fees and I was allowed to read. As the semester approached its end, I needed the rest of the money so that I could do my exams so I told God, it is one day to my papers I have no fees He was silent, but on the very day of my exams I managed to do my papers without making the payment because He favored me. I finished ...

Jesus is the Word

So recently, I have been having an addiction. This addiction has led me to stop for hours and focus on my new line. It is my new habit and I am so very glad. When one is addicted, it is most likely that the person has been feeding on this habit slowly by slowly and in no time after continually engaging the habit, it has now become their lifestyle and they cannot help but to continue with the habit which becomes impossible to stop. My recent habit is reading and studying the Word. I made a decision not to make myself busy that I cannot spend time meditating on scripture and as I speak this very moment glory to God that He not only gives me the time to study scriptures but gives me the Holy Spirit because once you decide to read scripture, the Spirit of God must be there to enlighten you on what you read. Scripture denotes that the Spirit of God searches all things, even the deep things of God(1 Corinthians 2:10) so His presence very important to one's spiritual walk. May the Spirit ...