
Showing posts from 2017


God has been dealing with one heart issue I had, of forgiving but always coming back to the offender and making sure I remind them how terrible they are and the actions they did. God has been teaching me about forgiveness and now it has been something I never struggle with, God dealt with it and no more of an unforgiving heart and spirit.So welcome, I will put down some lessons I learnt and I bet they will lift up someone😊. Forgiveness reflects the character of God. When a person forgives, they are reflecting the love of our Father. Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.Be kind and compassionate to one another, FORGIVING EACH OTHER,JUST AS IN CHRIST,GOD FORGAVE YOU . This scripture hit my head hard, and I knew that it was not whether I felt to forgive or not, but I have been commanded to forgive, only that I had to make a choice, in which depending on the choice I made, there will be a consequence. I was a si...


For the last four days, the Lord has been reminding me of things that are of the past yet so relevant to me and it is so refreshing when God rekindles the experiences because He clearly is not just repeating without a purpose.He is intentional when He does such things. I have been therefore meditating on things God taught me a while ago and are of importance now. I was just a tiny form two little girl, set to be an assistant intercessory leader in high school. I could not understand how such a task was to be worked out and one thing I really trusted God for was the Holy Spirit. I by that time had never heard any preaching on the Holy Spirit neither did I ever have a clue of what it really meant but I knew I needed the Holy Spirit, an experience with the Holy Spirit.And I had to pursue this for sure with all I was and all within me desired this and pap! my journey begun and this happened along they way. I kept asking the Lord to revive me and open the Heavens and pour out His Spirit o...


I have gone through an interesting season of feeling hurting, broken and all alone but God!He came through for me and my heart goes out to the people who feel just as I felt and are almost losing hope and giving up when it is not over with them. During this season, I opted for this one thing: To focus on God! I realized that I may not get much strength when I share my hurt out, or sit down and lament. The Holy Spirit kept reminding me, that my strength for such a time can only be found in the Lord (Eph6:10...Be strong IN the Lord and in the strength of HIS might) So I had to be found in the Lord, hence I took time to go deeper into God and mysteriously the fact that I was broken was a moment when I got new insight into the very character of God. It is great to be reminded that even Jesus went through the same things we face and He always sought God, He ran to where God was (John15:7...abide in Me and I in you) that is where He found strength and the same applies for us. I begun feedi...


The world has really become a mess, and the church is operating on very critical grounds as we speak. The mystery of iniquity is being used largely, it rules the earth and very few are ready for the second coming of Christ. Our grandfathers, ancestors kept saying that Jesus is coming soon, 21 centuries behind, we say that too Jesus is coming soon but the level of ignorance is so much exalted, minds have been set to believe that there is still time to be ready, yet, the time is NOW, people now search for fame, riches, the things heathens look for, few seek to know the heart of God. Christians no longer feel like holding fast to the faith they profess and seeking after the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness, purpose is lost, purity gone and it is a sad fact that the church is at the verge of compromising, to making the things of the world look '' Godly'', tainting the image of the Lord Jesus, few will stand and be ready to please and do the will of God and stand u...


Hey, long time! Trying to adjust to the new year ups and downs but thank God for the opportunity to jot down a few things! Of late, the Holy Spirit has been speaking to my life and what comes to my spirit is the urge and the need to ask God to prepare me to work powerfully in the area of my calling. The Holy Spirit being so loving and kind would prompt me to sing out almost every day, Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true and with thanksgiving I will be a living sanctuary for you. I was led to read Romans 12: 1 offering my body as a living sacrifice then 1st Corinthians 6:19 my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit meaning I am a vessel and there is something I house. Great! I vowed to understand the fact that I am a vessel, what do I have in me? Because a vessel is a container, I am a vessel made by God for Him and by Him..So God is the potter and I am like clay being made into an earthen vessel. A potter is a maker of earth ware vessels and therefore ha...


Happy new year! A norm is always there that when new year comes, we set aims and goals to achieve. Mine has begun well, and as much as I need to achieve very many things, one thing I aim to do this year is to do the will of God. The beginning of this year, I purposed to dwell in the presence of God, to be found in Him and full of clear revelation of His Word and apart from this all to fulfill the purpose of God in my life. It gets to my nerves when I cannot attend some meetings or missions because I have things to work on and refusing to do them can be foolish! but I have come to a realization of something, times and seasons are the Lord's. I love how the Word puts it in Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and time to every purpose under heaven. Great! So I stopped complaining to God about the feeling of missing out, the feeling that I was not living my purpose and I changed my prayer to Lord, in this season, I purpose to do your will. I sat down to now reflect...