God has been dealing with one heart issue I had, of forgiving but always coming back to the offender and making sure I remind them how terrible they are and the actions they did. God has been teaching me about forgiveness and now it has been something I never struggle with, God dealt with it and no more of an unforgiving heart and spirit.So welcome, I will put down some lessons I learnt and I bet they will lift up someone😊. Forgiveness reflects the character of God. When a person forgives, they are reflecting the love of our Father. Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.Be kind and compassionate to one another, FORGIVING EACH OTHER,JUST AS IN CHRIST,GOD FORGAVE YOU . This scripture hit my head hard, and I knew that it was not whether I felt to forgive or not, but I have been commanded to forgive, only that I had to make a choice, in which depending on the choice I made, there will be a consequence. I was a si...